What if we could take wood, the most sustainable building material in the world, combine it with silicate, one of the most common, nontoxic minerals on earth and make the wood last longer – and be even stronger?

That's Sature!

Sature down

SATURE IS modification and wood treatment products. All natural and nontoxic.

“ Sature is an environmentally friendly and nontoxic silicate modification process that makes wood stronger and last longer. ”

We have dedicated ourselves to inventing a non-toxic replacement for traditional pressure impregnated wood. That’s how we created Sature. An environmentally friendly and nontoxic silicate modification process that allows you to strengthen the wood and make it more durable, without compromising our planet..

It took us 10 years of extensive research and testing to get here, and now we are finally ready to introduce Sature to the world.

Read more about our products and who we are here on our site.

Silica (1)


Silica is one of the most complex and most abundant families of materials on the planet. Silica is most commonly found in nature as quartz in various living organisms. In many parts of the world, silica is the major constituent of sand.


Sature Process Ikoner

Step 1

The wood is placed in a special steel autoclave

Sature Process Ikoner2

Step 2

All air is evacuated

Sature Process Ikoner3

Step 3

The autoclave is flooded with the modified silicate solution and hydraulic pressure applied

Sature Process Ikoner4

Step 4

The pressure distributes the silicate in the wood

Sature Process Ikoner5

Step 5

Excess liquid is pumped back into the storage tank and a final vacuum is applied

Sature Process Ikoner6

Step 6

Drip-free and surface dry Sature is ready for post treatment processing


16. Nov

Så simpel er en ny miljøvenlig trykimprægnering

En væske baseret på en blanding af ganske almindeligt sand og soda er nu blevet et nyt bud på en afløser til miljøskadelig trykimprægnering.

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16. Nov

Realdania støtter Frøslev projekt

Frøslev Træs projekt omhandler modificering af træ med silikat som substitut for biocidbehandling. Teknologien bag modificeringen er testet i både laboratorie- og feltforsøg over for trænedbrydende svampe og har opnået det bedst mulige resultat.

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16. Nov

Ny modificeringsproces ser dagens lys

Preservation Technologies i Ådum har opfundet ny imprægneringsmetode, som erstatter de miljøfarlige stoffer, der bruges i dag. Opfindelsen har enormt potentiale for virksomheden.

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Getting started with our technology
